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[ FREE ] 14+ PDF of Zoology Books – Download

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Zoology Books: There are so many living creatures on this planet Earth. All of them have different characteristics and functions. It just makes one curious to know how do these different animals or humans work. What causes them to function in a certain way? Here comes the Zoology a field of biology which helps to understand animal or human interaction with the environment. It is a branch of biology which is concerned with the study of the animal kingdom and animals. This study of animals helps us in a better understanding of the world around us, like how we function and interact. Zoology not only helps in the understanding of the animal or humans but with its help humans can develop solutions for a healthier world.

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If anything was not known to us about the animals or biology, the nature around us would just be chaos and all would have happened at random.

But zoology can help in better understanding food chains and life cycles. In this section of zoology books, we have come up with an amazing collection of zoology books that will help you in giving more detailed information about this branch of biology.

Zoology allows seeing nature for what it s and why certain animals behave in a certain way. Zoology is also known as animal biology, where the word is derived from the Greek language, where zōion, stands for “animal”, and logos stands for “the study of.”

This field of biology has been of interest since ancient times. The first person to broadly classify living things was Aristotle, in the 4th century BC.

Firstly, he divided all the living things into 2 categories- plants and animals. After this terms were given to them like biology, zoology, and botany.

Physiology is also a part of zoology, which deals with the behavior and interaction of species with the environment. This also studies the animal species on earth which have extinct.

After this, Aristotle divided animals into two classes i.e red blood and others without the red blood like insects and crustaceans. Further, he classified these creatures as having the ability to flow, walk and swim.

His study and classification continued till the 16th century. After this, the zoology branch became more complex as it was further divided into five kingdoms and that animal kingdom was divided into Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and, finally, Species.

In the 16th century, many universities were found in Europe and by mid 17th century, universities started to focus entirely on animal research.

By the 19th century, microscopes came in commonplace in scientific research. Later the naturalist Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution by natural selection.

By the time the study of zoology expanded and more and more investigations occurred. The study is divided into mentioned below sub-categories:

  • Zoography, also known as descriptive zoology
  • Comparative Zoology
  • Mammalogy
  • Soil Zoology
  • Animal physiology
  • Entomology
  • Ornithology
  • Comparative anatomy
  • Herpetology
  • Behavioural Ecology
  • Ethology studies animal behavior
  • Invertebrate and vertebrate zoology
  • Taxonomically oriented disciplines identify and classify species, study the structures and mechanisms specific to those groups

A person who studies animals is known as Zoologist. They work indoors, work in the laboratory and develop their experiments reports. Some zoologists do work in outdoors for gathering data, and monitor and managing the population of the wildlife.

Those who love science, being outdoors, and working with animals have a great advantage of becoming a zoologist. Want to know more about zoology? Check out our well-organized collection of zoology books given below.

These books are given in PDF format and can be downloaded on any electronic device +ALL FOR FREE!

Download Updated eBooks Collection of Zoology Books



Reproduction in Livestock

Total Pages : 4 Page(s)
PDF Size : 162 KB
Language : English
Source : PKNARD
PDF Link : Available


Develop Mental Biology & Applied zoology

Total Pages : 383 Page(s)
PDF Size : 6.1 MB
Language : English
Source : UOU
PDF Link : Available



Gravitational Zoology How Animals Use and Cope with Gravity

Total Pages : 20 Page(s)
PDF Size : 374 KB
Language : English
Source : DZFL
PDF Link : Available


Why choose Part II Zoology

Total Pages : 32 Page(s)
PDF Size : 792 KB
Language : English
Source : DZUC
PDF Link : Available



Systematics Evolution and Phylogeny of Annelida a Morphological Perspective

Total Pages : 23 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,851 KB
Language : English
Source : Immigration Museum
PDF Link : Available


Molluscs: a brief introduction

Total Pages : 19 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,494 KB
Language : English
Source : VIMS
PDF Link : Available



Glossary – Zoology

Total Pages : 37 Page(s)
PDF Size : 137 KB
Language : English
Source : biophysics.sbg
PDF Link : Available


Osmoregulation in Aquatic Vertebrates

Total Pages : 17 Page(s)
PDF Size : 548 KB
Language : English
Source : AU
PDF Link : Available



Marine Ecosystem

Total Pages : 20 Page(s)
PDF Size : 809 KB
Language : English
Source : e-PGPathshala
PDF Link : Available


Animal Association and Host-parasite interaction

Total Pages : 18 Page(s)
PDF Size : 804 KB
Language : English
Source : PMELM
PDF Link : Available



A Life History Strategies (Part 1)

Total Pages : 23 Page(s)
PDF Size : 581 KB
Language : English
Source : e-PGPathshala
PDF Link : Available


Phylum Cnidaria

Total Pages : 43 Page(s)
PDF Size : 659 KB
Language : English
Source : Smithsonian Institution
PDF Link : Available



Phylum Mollusca

Total Pages : 15 Page(s)
PDF Size : 2.5 MB
Language : English
Source : Amherst College
PDF Link : Available


Applied Zoology

Total Pages : 168 Page(s)
PDF Size : 941 KB
Language : English
Source : SSCASC
PDF Link : Available