[ FREE ] 23+ Microbiology Books PDF – Download / Read

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List of Microbiology Books PDF: There are millions of living things living on the planet earth. Some are as big are gigantic whales and some are as small as bacteria which we humans cannot see through our naked eyes. Microbiology is the field of biology that studies microscopic organisms – viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi, slime molds, and protozoa. These micro creatures are everywhere around us, some are even on us! but these are so tiny that we cannot see them through our naked eyes and most of these microbes are harmless to humans.

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The meaning of the word microbiology is micro meaning small, bios meaning life, and logos meaning science. It is estimated that these tiny microbes make up 60% of all living matter on earth with a massive impact on every other living organism on the planet.

Here on this page, we’ve brought you an amazing collection of microbiology books pdf as these microbes play a vital role in biodegradation, nutrient cycling, climate change, food spoilage, as well as the cause and control of the disease.

This field of biology is concerned with the function, structure, and classification of these tiny organisms and with ways of both exploiting and controlling their activities.

It is unsure who made the first observations of microorganisms, but the microscope was available during the mid‐1600s, and an English scientist named Robert Hooke made key observations and observed strands of fungi among the specimens of cells viewed by him.

Microbes are ground in soil, seas, and even in the air. They are also found in the decay of materials or spread diseases, and sometimes favorably, as when they ferment sugar into wine and beer, cause bread to rise, flavor cheeses, and valued products such as antibiotics and insulin are produced with help of microbes.

Microbiologist studies include bacteria, viruses, archaea, eukaryotes, fungi, prions, protozoa, and algae and these microbes can differ dramatically in terms of characteristics and size.

It is a broad discipline and the microbiologist studies these microbes at the level of proteins and genes (molecular biology), at the cellular level (cell biology and physiology), and at the community level public health, ecology, and epidemiology).

Virology, mycology, microbial genetics parasitology, and bacteriology are some of the branches included in microbiology.

These microbes play a vital role in all the living organisms on the earth, as these versatile organisms, they play a major role in various biochemical processes such as biodeterioration, climate change, biodegradation, food spoilage, epidemiology, and biotechnology.

The work of the microbiologist is to solve a range of problems that affect the environment, health, food, climate, and agriculture. Their study involves:

  • Studying the role of microbes in changing climate.
  • Developing green technologies.
  • Studying the diagnosis, prevention, and control of infections and specific diseases.
  • Ensuring food and drink are safe to consume.

Discover more about microbiology in our wide collection of pdf eBooks down below. You can easily access them on any of your electronic devices +ALL FOR FREE!

Download Updated Collection of Microbiology Books PDF



Introduction to Food Safety and Microbiology

Total Pages : 66 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,750 KB
Language : English
Source : FNDI
PDF Link : Available


PDF of General Microbiology Books

Total Pages : 89 Page(s)
PDF Size : 3.7 MB
Language : English
Source : KSU
PDF Link : Available



Milk composition and microbiology

Total Pages : 12 Page(s)
PDF Size : 201 KB
Language : English
Source : Groupe ESA
PDF Link : Available


Microbiology Today

Total Pages : 76 Page(s)
PDF Size : 5.1 MB
Language : English
Source : Microbiology Society
PDF Link : Available



A Brief History of Microbiolog

Total Pages : 1 Page
PDF Size : 585 KB
Language : English
Source : PacBio
PDF Link : Available


Biology 1290B: An introduction to general microbiology

Total Pages : 31 Page(s)
PDF Size : 367 KB
Language : English
Source : Western University
PDF Link : Available



The era Microbiology-a golden phoenix

Total Pages : 7 Page(s)
PDF Size : 87.7 KB
Language : English
Source : SELO
PDF Link : Available


Basic Practical Microbiology

Total Pages : 30 Page(s)
PDF Size : 446 KB
Language : English
Source : VC
PDF Link : Available



Manual Of Methods of Analysis of Food-Microbiological Testing

Total Pages : 105 Page(s)
PDF Size : 753 KB
Language : English
Source : FSSAI
PDF Link : Available


The Evolution of Microorganisms and Microbiology

Total Pages : 55 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,492 KB
Language : English
Source : BU
PDF Link : Available



Microbiology, Virology and Immunology Manual for foreign medical faculty students

Total Pages : 189 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,095 KB
Language : English
Source : UMCA
PDF Link : Available


Agricultural Microbiology

Total Pages : 132 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,233 KB
Language : English
Source : RVSKVV
PDF Link : Available



Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology

Total Pages : 83 Page(s)
PDF Size : 2.1 MB
Language : English
Source : YSMU
PDF Link : Available


PDF Overview of Microbiology Books

Total Pages : 48 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,225 KB
Language : English
PDF Link : Available




Total Pages : 11 Page(s)
PDF Size : 221 KB
Language : English
Source : ResearchGate
PDF Link : Available


Intro to Microbiology

Total Pages : 25 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,209 KB
Language : English
Source : GSD
PDF Link : Available




Total Pages : 13 Page(s)
PDF Size : 620 KB
Language : English
Source : ICPDR
PDF Link : Available


PDF of Chapter #16 : Microbiology Basic Books

Total Pages : 31 Page(s)
PDF Size : 673 KB
Language : English
Source : USF Health
PDF Link : Available



General Virology I

Total Pages : 40 Page(s)
PDF Size : 879 KB
Language : English
Source : EIAA
PDF Link : Available



Total Pages : 147 Page(s)
PDF Size : 5.7 MB
Language : English
Source : USK
PDF Link : Available



Diagnostic Microbiology

Total Pages : 40 Page(s)
PDF Size : 2.1 MB
Language : English
Source : ULBLD
PDF Link : Available


Fundamentals of Microbiology

Total Pages : 22 Page(s)
PDF Size : 63.8 KB
Language : English
Source : HW
PDF Link : Available



Chapter 6 – Virology

Total Pages : 9 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,007 KB
Language : English
Source : NAU
PDF Link : Available

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