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If you’re someone that loves to learn about living things and how they relate, then studying biology might be the right fit for you. We the team of Books Benefit have decided to come up with a collection of biology books PDF for those who have an interest in studying biology. It is that branch of science that deals with growth, structure, function, distribution of organisms, and evolution. Biology deals with all the physicochemical aspects of life and is a methodological study of living things and life.

Earth is the only planet where life is possible and to date, there are over 8.7 million species that are documented. In every corner of the Earth, there is life teeming, from the searing Sahara desserts to frozen Arctics. Biology is a field that helps us to understand living organisms, their physiology, behavior, anatomy, and distribution.

The meaning of the word biology is obtained from the Greek words “bios” meaning life and “logos” meaning study. It is important has it helps to understand how the living things function and work.

Scientists develop better treatments and medicines with the help of biology, by helping them understand how an environmental change can affect animals and plants. Through biology they can also predict how eating new food can affect their bodies.

Biology has a wide range of fields, that intrigue through various sub-disciplines or branches such as  biophysics, biochemistry, genetics, epigenetics, morphology, taxonomy, and ecology.

There are other fields in biology that are especially concerned with investigation of only one kind of living creature, for example- ornithology is a field concerned with study of birds, ichthyology is concerned with the study of fished, etc.

A living object that has life is comprised of a cell or a group of cells. Each of these cells carry out processes like catabolic and anabolic reaction in order to sustain life. All these reactions require energy. These living organisms are capable enough to stimuli, reproduce, adapt to it’s environment and grow.

Animals, plants, fungi, protists, bacteria, and archaea, are the major groups of living things, and biology is the field that studies their structure, distribution, evolution, function, and taxonomy.

The discoveries in biology have a remarkable impact on the human society. Although, it has been studied since the ancient to modern times. But it arose in the 19th century, emerging from traditions of medicine, natural history, ancient Egyptian medicine, Ayurveda and the work of the ancient Greco-Roman world and Aristotle.

Through the works of Michael Christoph Hanow in 1766 biology was introduced in the modern sense. Over the time of 18th and 19th century botany and zoology are those field of biology which increased professionally.

Biology also combines with other subjects like chemistry, physics, mathematics, and medicine. Biochemistry is the branch which combines both biology and chemistry, which deals with diverse biomolecules e.g. nucleic acids, carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids), studying functions and biomolecular structures.

If you’re a medical student or you just want to study more about biology and how human bodies work, then our provided collection of biology books PDF here on this page will going to be very useful for you.


Marine Biology Books PDF

www.booksbenefit.com - Complete List of Marine Biology Books Online - Download Free PDF

Marine Biology involves the study of life in the ocean and another saltwater environments like estuaries and wetlands. A marine biologist studies biological oceanography and the associated fields of physical, geological, and chemical.

Marine biologists observe, protect and manage the marine organisms or the plants, animals, and microbes in the ocean.

They not only study the animal, but their study also involves floating algae particles up the food chain to the great blue whale.


Histology Books

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Histology is a filed of biology which involves the study of biological tissues. It involves microscopic study of biological tissues with a special staining technique with light and electron microscopy.

A histologist studies about the animal and plant tissues. The slides are often stained with colors to enhance certain types of biological structures that are different from other types of structures.


Botany Books

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Botany is the science of plants, it also includes their structure, characteristics, and metabolic processes. It involves study of plants like flowering plants, fungi, algae, ,vascular plants like ferns, trees, etc.

It is divided in to number of branches like plant pathology, plant ecology, palaeobotany, forensic botany, etc.

It is important to study botany as it helps in the development of biofuels such as biomass and methane gas that are used as alternatives to fossil fuels.


Molecular Biology Books PDF

www.booksbenefit.com - Complete List of Molecular Books Online - Download Free PDF

Molecular biology is a branch of biology that studies about the chemical structures and processes of biological phenomena like the molecules, and the basic unit if life.

The main focus of this branch is to focus on nucleic acids which are are the DNAs and RNAs, and the proteins.

Proteins can impact each other, and can respond to signals they get from genes. They also respond to the signals they get from outside a cell.


Cell Biology Books

www.booksbenefit.com - Complete List of Cell Biology eBook Online - Download Free PDF

This branch of biology studies the cell structure and function, which revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life. All the living organisms on earth are made up of cell.

A cell is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known organisms. It is also known as the smallest unit of life and are the building blocks of life.

Cell biology studies about the cell anatomy, cell division, and cell process like the cell death and respiration.


Environmental Biology Books

www.booksbenefit.com - Complete List of Environmental Biology PDF Online - Download Free PDF

With the rise of global warming and various environment issues, it is very important to take care of the environment and get ourseleves aware on the negative impacts in the environment and us on daily basis.

Environment biology is the field of biology that deals with the relationship between the environment and organisms living in it.

The major climate changes have impact the environment in several ways, which is why it is important to use the natural ecosystem in a way without harming the environment.


Animal Biology Books PDF

www.booksbenefit.com - Complete List of Animal Biology PDF Online - Download Free PDF

Animal biology studies the origins, behaviors, and environments of non-plant organisms. This includes both invertebrate and vertebrate animals and addresses how they work like their form, function, behavior, physiology, and ecology.

This field of biology also explores gene expression, cell biology, morphogenesis, and how they evolve their genetics, diversity, and phylogeny.

It also provides a comprehensive view of how animals relate to one another, from their physiology to ecology.


Ecology Books

www.booksbenefit.com - Complete List of Ecology Books Online - Download Free PDF

Ecology is the branch of biology that studies the interaction with each other and the physical environment around them.

It involves the study of population, community, biosphere, ecosystem, and organisms.

The goal of ecologist is to improve their understanding of adaptations, life processes, habitats, biodiversity, and interactions of organisms. It involves the study of living and non-living factors i.e. the biotic and abiotic factors.


Physiology Books

www.booksbenefit.com - Complete List of Physiology Books Online - Download Free PDF

Physiology is a branch of biology that study the functioning of living organisms, plant, and animal. It involves the study of their functioning of their constituent cells or tissues.

It’s goal is to explain the fundamental mechanisms which operate the living organisms and the way they interact.

It is a central importance in health science and it helps in advances of understanding of disease and the ability to treat these diseases more effectively.



www.booksbenefit.com - Complete List of Genetics Books Online - Download Free PDF


Microbiology Books PDF

www.booksbenefit.com - Complete List of Microbiology Books Online - Download Free PDF

Microbiology is the field of biology that studies the diverse group of small living organisms like bacteria, algae, archea, protozoa, fungi, and viruses. This is one of the most important sub sector of biology.

Microbes differ from each other in terms of characteristics and sizes.

The study of microbes addresses global challenges like maintaining food, energy security, and water, which will help in healthy population on the earth.


Biodecoding Books

Biodecoding is the art of decoding the language of the cells to quickly identify and resolve efficiently the emotional cause of illness. It helps in decoding problems like physical, emotional and mental.

Bio decoding also helps is resolving their underlying bio-emotional and ancestral cause at the cellular level through a signature methodology.

The aim of this technique is to cure diseases without taking any help from chemicals.


Bioenergetics Books

Bioenergetics is the way of understanding the energy in the living things. It studies about how the energy transforms from one form into another through photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Alexander Lowen, M.D. who is a pioneer in this field discovered that bioenergetics can help people get back together with the body and enjoy life to fullest with a therapeutic technique.

It helps with understanding the metabolism that provides the directions to better understand how skeletal muscles generate energy, and why and how the body responds to exercise the way it does.