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[ FREE ] 155+ PDF List of Animal Books – Download

Animal Books: There are various types of organisms living on the planet earth. Animals refer to the eukaryotic multicellular organisms of the kingdom Animalia. They are further characterized to be motile which means they can move at their will. They are heterotrophic which means, unlike plants, they depend on other organisms for food. They can sexually reproduce. Most animals have a high level of organization which allows them to perform complex functions.

There are many different types of species of animals like amphibians that live on both land and water, reptiles that are scaled and cold-blooded animals, mammals are those who can give birth in the womb and have mammary glands,  and birds have their body covered in feather and lay eggs, fishes have gills, and insects are those with six or more legged.

Humans have evolved and have established themselves as the greater and superior species among others. They have been using animals for their benefit thousands and thousands of years ago. But it is very important to realize the importance of animals to maintain the balance of nature as they all play a unique role.

There are various kinds of animal books like crows, dogs, lizards, snakes, lions, tigers, fishes, cats, and the list goes on. All these animals play a very vital role in maintaining the ecological system. They all have different diets that connect them together in the food chain which is classified into three groups: Herbivorous, Carnivorous, and Omnivorous.

Herbivore animals are those who depend on plants and plant products like cows, goats, horses, etc. Carnivore animals are those who eat other animals for flesh and meat like tigers, lizards, lions, etc. Omnivores are those who eat both animals and plants like a cat, dogs, etc.

Animals help the environment by recycling the organic matter. There are two types who help in this are Scavengers and Decomposers. The main difference between these two is that the scavengers are those who consume dead animals and plants and then break down them into small particles, for example, crows, etc. Decomposers are those who eat the leftover small particles produced by the scavengers like fungi, etc. They are also known as detritivores.

Animals like cats, dogs, etc are those animals that are kept as pets by so many people around the world. They are considered the best companion for the humans, as playing with them can help our minds to relax and we can switch off from our work mode for some time.

Animals provide us with various food products which have nutritional value in them and are also used by humans for various other things like caring for and managing them through which their genetic qualities and behavior are further used to develop profit from them, which is commonly known as animal husbandry.

Animals like cows, goats, hens, ducks, etc are bred commercially to meet the high demand for food from them. They are used to having dairy products like milk, eggs, etc. Not only this animals are also used for transportation, clothes (in ancient times animals were used to make clothes, now it is banned as it causes a lot of suffering and deaths of billions of animals each year), medicines, and entertainment.

Out of various uses for animals, some are good but some of them are torture for poor animals. They can’t speak and tell about their sufferings, it is we the humans with great powers need to understand and stop exploiting these poor animals for our own selfish needs.

Due to these selfish activities, many animals have now become endangered and some have even extinct. And if this is not taken care of then the ecological system will be affected.

We have provided you with detailed knowledge about animals in our collection of animal books in pdf format.

These PDFs are very easily accessible and are free to download. One can access them on any digital device at any time from anywhere.


Cat Books

BooksBenefit - Complete List of Cat Books Online - Cat Lover eBooks - Download PDF

Cats are one of those animals which are domesticated by people around the world. They are known as the smallest member of the Felidae family, where more than 30 animals belong to this family like lion, leopard, tiger, etc.

Cats have different colors like golden, black, grey, etc. They have very good night vision and have a flexible body which allows them to jump from one place to another. They have very shiny eyes and sharp nails which makes them a good hunter.


Veterinary Medicine Books

BooksBenefit - Complete List of Veterinary Medicine Books Online - Animal eBooks - Download PDF

Whenever we hear the word veterinary immediately animals come to our mind. Veterinary Medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment of disease and prevention of disease in animals of all types. It is also known as veterinary science.

The Veterinarians are those people who ensure safe food is supplied to the animals and monitor and maintain the health of animals who produce food. This practice was established in early 2000 BCE in Egypt.


Animal Anatomy Books

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Animal anatomy is a branch that deals with the form and structure of animals. There are so many types of animals on this earth, who are made up of cells or some carry specialized cells that carry out different functions.

The anatomy includes information about the animal’s organs, skeleton, nerves, and blood vessels.

Animal anatomy is divided into two parts: gross anatomy and histology. Animal anatomy helps anatomists to discover the cause of problems in the animal body.


Horse books Books

BooksBenefit - Complete List of Horse Books Online - Animal Horse Lover and Training eBooks - Download PDF

Horses are social animals who are strong and intelligent. They are also known as odd-toed animals because they have just one toe or hoof on each foot.

They can run fast because they have slim legs. Some horses live in open country and feed on grasses and other plants.

Some people love to keep them as pets and stay them in stables. Their care and food are managed by them.


Dog Books

BooksBenefit - Complete List of Dog Books Online - Dog Lover and Training eBooks - Download PDF

Dogs are one of the most popular pets or companions of humans around the world. Their scientific name is Canis lupus. Dogs share their companionship with humans for almost 40,000 years ago. They are very local to their owners and love them unconditionally.

Dogs have a heightened sense of smell and sharp eyes. Their life span is for 10-13 years which also depends on their breed. They look after their owner’s safety and are rightly known as man’s best friends.


Animal Husbandry Books

BooksBenefit - Complete List of Animal Husbandry Books Online - Animal eBooks - Download PDF

Animal husbandry is an agricultural practice of raising and breeding livestock. Animals like cattles, sheeps, goats, pigs, and many other animals are domesticated.

These animals are raised food products like eggs, milk, fibre, and many more. The world population is growing day by day which also increases the demand of food consumption.

Animals are cared and managed is a huge business. These animals are kept in farms or special locations developed for them. Animals husbandry includes dairy farming, poultry, aquaculture, and many more.


Endangered Animal Books

BooksBenefit - Complete List of Endangered Animal Books Online - Animal eBooks - Download PDF

Endangered Animals are those animals who are under threat or near extinction. When an animal is endangered it means they are disappearing fast or their population is very small or not large enough to survive.

There are so many animals on the Earth who are endangered like rhinoceroses, turtles, tigers, orangutans, and many more. Humans are the main cause of this problem as they are destroying their habitats like rainforests.

These rainforests are replaced with farmlands or human settlements. Humans also hunt animals for fur or horns which causes them at risk of being endangered.


Zoology Books

BooksBenefit - Complete List of Zoology Books Online - Animal eBooks - Download PDF

Zoology comes from the branch of biology that deals with animal life and animals and also includes the development, structure, physiology, and classification of animals.

This branch of biology helps in understanding the behavior of animals for example, sharks and tigers are mindless killers but when we consider their nature and habitats, it is very clear that they only become a threat to us when interference is done in their activities.

A person who studies zoology is termed a zoologist, which studies the animal’s life progression, behavior, genetics, and origins.