[ FREE ] 22+ Molecular Biology Books PDF – Download

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List of Molecular Biology Books PDF: Molecular biology is the field of biology that study the composition, interactions, and structure of cellular molecules like nucleic acids and proteins which carry out the biological processes which are essential for the cell‘s maintenance and functions. It is a specialized branch of Biochemistry and Biology, which are specifically concerned with the study of various biological activities at the molecular level. It involves various types of biomolecules like Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, along with their interactions, compositions, structure, and functions in the life processes.

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It is estimated via records that molecular biology was discovered by an American scientist, Warren Weaver in the year 1938 its discovery began in the 1940s and the fundamental development took place in 1953, at the time of the invention of the double-helical structure of the DNA molecule by the two molecular biologists James Watson and Francis Crick.

In this section of biology, we’ve brought you a wide range of molecular biology books pdf that’ll be going to help you understand how molecular biology works and how researchers do their job in this sector.

There are millions of living things on the planet earth, which are made of chemicals just as non-living things are, the work of a molecular biologist is to study how molecules interact with one another in living organisms to perform the functions of life.

They conduct experiments to investigate the processing, regulation, structure, function, and evolution of biological molecules and their interactions with one another. They provide micro-level insights into how life works.

Though a living thing has so many kinds of molecules the main concern of the molecular biologist is to study genes and proteins, which have a huge diversity of functions within living cells and genes that contain the information which is required to make more proteins.

Molecular biology is used to understand; The Molecular pathways within the cells, How do living things interact with the populations? , and How Proteins and nucleic acids interact with the biomolecules.

It has helped in establishing a strong foundation on the fundamental importance of macromolecular mechanisms such as transcription, translation, replication,  and other cellular functions.

Some of the popular techniques in molecular biology are as follows: Polymerase Chain Reaction, Electrophoresis, Restriction Digestion, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Electrophoresis, Restriction Digestion, Blotting, Cloning, Electrophoresis, etc.

Molecular biology is related to genetics and biochemistry. All three of them are concerned with the organisms and how they work at the molecular level. You will read about this in detail in the eBooks given down below.

Download Updated Collection of Molecular Biology Books PDF



Introduction to Molecular Biology

Total Pages : 4 Page(s)
PDF Size : 152 KB
Language : English
Source : CSDPU
PDF Link : Available


PDF of Genetics and Molecular Biology Books

Total Pages : 715 Page(s)
PDF Size : 5.0 MB
Language : English
Source : JHU
PDF Link : Available



Basics of The Molecular Biology

Total Pages : 7 Page(s)
PDF Size : 503 KB
Language : English
Source : teoriaevolutiva
PDF Link : Available


Molecular Biology and Applied Genetics

Total Pages : 529 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,346 KB
Language : English
Source : CC
PDF Link : Available



Introduction to Molecular Biology

Total Pages : 7 Page(s)
PDF Size : 350 KB
Language : English
Source : ResearchGate
PDF Link : Available


Cell and Molecular Biology

Total Pages : 629 Page(s)
PDF Size : 31.5 MB
Language : English
Source : UWM
PDF Link : Available



Basics of Molecular Biology

Total Pages : 9 Page(s)
PDF Size : 66.0 KB
Language : English
Source : UW
PDF Link : Available


Introduction to Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering

Total Pages : 147 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,197 KB
Language : English
Source : ResearchGate
PDF Link : Available



Molecular biology techniques for research development

Total Pages : 13 Page(s)
PDF Size : 344 KB
Language : English
Source : ResearchGate
PDF Link : Available


Introduction Books to Medial and Molecular Biology PDF

Total Pages : 95 Page(s)
PDF Size : 4.3 MB
Language : English
Source : FOM
PDF Link : Available



Introduction to Molecular Biology and Genomics

Total Pages : 17 Page(s)
PDF Size : 329 KB
Language : English
Source : BMI
PDF Link : Available


Practical laboratory skills for molecular biologists

Total Pages : 97 Page(s)
PDF Size : 2.0 MB
Language : English
Source : LGC
PDF Link : Available



Introduction to Molecular Biology

Total Pages : 18 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,598 KB
Language : English
Source : NISER
PDF Link : Available


Introduction to Medical and Molecular Biology

Total Pages : 61 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,054 KB
Language : English
Source : CUFM
PDF Link : Available



Basics of Molecular Biology

Total Pages : 21 Page(s)
PDF Size : 155 KB
Language : English
Source : TW
PDF Link : Available


Basics on Molecular Biology

Total Pages : 52 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,154 KB
Language : English
Source : UH
PDF Link : Available



The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

Total Pages : 23 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,391 KB
Language : English
Source : UGent
PDF Link : Available


The Beginners Guide to Molecular Biology

Total Pages : 50 Page(s)
PDF Size : 2.3 MB
Language : English
Source : AACB
PDF Link : Available



Introduction PDF of Molecular Biology Books

Total Pages : 21 Page(s)
PDF Size : 710 KB
Language : English
Source : CWW
PDF Link : Available


Primer on Molecular Genetics

Total Pages : 44 Page(s)
PDF Size : 279 KB
Language : English
Source : HGPI
PDF Link : Available



Molecular Biology Fundamentals

Total Pages : 26 Page(s)
PDF Size : 290 KB
Language : English
Source : ESP
PDF Link : Available


Introduction to Micorarrays and Concepts of Molecular Biology

Total Pages : 96 Page(s)
PDF Size : 918 KB
Language : English
Source : GMU
PDF Link : Available