[ FREE ] 23+ Environmental Biology Books PDF – Download

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Environmental Biology Books PDF: We are surrounded by the environment with biotic and abiotic things. The atmosphere, climate, continental landform, hydrosphere, and ocean are the major components of the environment. All of this plays an important role in the existence of life on planet earth. The meaning of the word environment is surroundings which are derived from the French word “Environ.”  As we all are aware that the environment of the earth is at major risk because of the rising global warming caused by humans.

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Due to various human activities, the environment of the earth suffers a lot. It is very important to take care of the environment and keep an eye on the plants and species living in this environment to be prepared for the consequences.

Environment biology is that branch of biology in which the main focus of the study is to understand the relationship between the ecosystem, animals, and plants within the environment. The environment changes every day, and the focus of the environmental biologist is to keep an eye on nature and living organisms in nature.

Environment biology is similar to ecology as it also focuses on the environment that plays a vital role for different living species and all of them are dependent on the environment for water, food, shelter, and other needs.

Therefore, it is crucial to protect and save the environment. Environment biology and ecology deal with the study of organisms and their interaction with their surrounding environment.

We the team of Books benefit understands the importance of the environment and in awareness of the same, we bring you the collection of environment biology books in this section of biology. These books will help you with environment biology, ecology, and much more.

There are two types of the ecosystem in the environment; natural and artificial. The naturally found biological environment found in nature like forests, grasslands, lakes, mountains, ponds, rivers, oceans, desserts, etc. come under the category of the natural ecosystem.

Whereas, the artificial environment created and maintained by humans like gardens, crops, zoos, aquariums, etc. is the artificial ecosystem.

Global warming is the major challenge that affects the environment, it results in the rising temperature on Earth and increases the level of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, ozone, fluorocarbon, methane, etc.

Not only the global warming varies human activities like deforestation, disposal of hazardous wastes, overpopulation, and pollution, also affect the environment.

Environment biology helps in understanding an interdisciplinary field of research eager to find solutions for the deteriorating state of our environment. This field of biology also helps in developing an appreciation of environmental causes and effects.

An environment biologist helps in understanding the importance of environmental sustainability and how we humans can better understand our planet and take care of it.

With the help of our selected environmental biology books pdf, you can help to clear your doubts and build your knowledge and importance about the issues of climate change and sustainable living.

These books are well organized in PDF format and are available in the public domain, you can easily download them +ALL FOR FREE!

Download Updated Collection of Environmental Biology Books PDF



A Comprehensive Course in Environmental Biology

Total Pages : 8 Page(s)
PDF Size : 534 KB
Language : English
Source : ASEE
PDF Link : Available


Environmental Biology

Total Pages : 325 Page(s)
PDF Size : 13.1 MB
Language : English
Source : USD
PDF Link : Available



Environmental Biology Books PDF: General Ecology

Total Pages : 8 Page(s)
PDF Size : 116 KB
Language : English
Source : FUAA
PDF Link : Available


Textbook for Environmental Studies

Total Pages : 361 Page(s)
PDF Size : 2.3 MB
Language : English
Source : UGC
PDF Link : Available



Introduction to environmental biology

Total Pages : 8 Page(s)
PDF Size : 361 KB
Language : English
Source : CUP
PDF Link : Available


Biological Environment

Total Pages : 164 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,589 KB
Language : English
Source : JBIC
PDF Link : Available



Introduction to Landscape Ecology

Total Pages : 8 Page(s)
PDF Size : 941 KB
Language : English
Source : UMASS
PDF Link : Available


Ecology and Environmental Biology

Total Pages : 103 Page(s)
PDF Size : 903 KB
Language : English
Source : GuruKPO
PDF Link : Available



Introduction to Environment and Ecosystem

Total Pages : 9 Page(s)
PDF Size : 72.1 KB
Language : English
Source : MGCU
PDF Link : Available


Ecological Concepts, Principles and Applications to Conservation

Total Pages : 46 Page(s)
PDF Size : 701 KB
Language : English
Source : BBC
PDF Link : Available



Environmental Biology Books #11 Glossary Ecology PDF

Total Pages : 10 Page(s)
PDF Size : 68.0 KB
Language : English
Source : US
PDF Link : Available


A Systems Biology Approach to Environmental Biology

Total Pages : 48 Page(s)
PDF Size : 2.0 MB
Language : English
Source : USEPA
PDF Link : Available



Glossary of Selected Botanical & Ecological Terms

Total Pages : 21 Page(s)
PDF Size : 601 KB
Language : English
Source : WNPS
PDF Link : Available


Basic Concepts: Nature, Ecology, Environment

Total Pages : 174 Page(s)
PDF Size : 970 KB
Language : English
Source : UM
PDF Link : Available



Trends in Ecology and Environmental Biology Research Methods

Total Pages : 11 Page(s)
PDF Size : 270 KB
Language : English
Source : ResearchGate
PDF Link : Available


Ecology and the Environment

Total Pages : 24 Page(s)
PDF Size : 184 KB
Language : English
Source : CORE
PDF Link : Available



Introduction of Environment

Total Pages : 12 Page(s)
PDF Size : 317 KB
Language : English
Source : IIT
PDF Link : Available


Introduction to Ecology

Total Pages : 32 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,457 KB
Language : English
Source : SPPU
PDF Link : Available



Environmental Biology Books: Ecology PDF

Total Pages : 24 Page(s)
PDF Size : 975 KB
Language : English
Source : NCERT
PDF Link : Available


Environmental Biological Monitoring

Total Pages : 23 Page(s)
PDF Size : 589 KB
Language : English
Source : WITP
PDF Link : Available



Environmental Sciences

Total Pages : 10 Page(s)
PDF Size : 183 KB
Language : English
Source : UGC
PDF Link : Available


Study Material for Compulsory Course on Environmental Studies

Total Pages : 17 Page(s)
PDF Size : 478 KB
Language : English
Source : DC
PDF Link : Available



UNIT I: Environmental Studies: Ecosystems, Bio-diversity and its Conservation

Total Pages : 47 Page(s)
PDF Size : 813 KB
Language : English
Source : BVCE
PDF Link : Available

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