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Genetics Books PDF: Have you ever wondered why our eyes and the color of our eyes look in a certain way or how you look like your parents and your relatives but not other people around you? This is because of the gene which passes from the parents to their children. Genetics is the study of genes and heredity, how the traits are passed down from parents to offspring as a result of changes in DNA sequence. A gene contains the segment of DNA or Deoxyribonucleic acid.

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Heredity refers to the passing of traits like hair color, eye color, height, etc. from parent to child. The study of genetics is important as it helps in understanding the risk of developing conditions that are passed from a biological parent to their child.

The concept of genes has been observed for centuries it was scientifically studied by Gregor Mendel, who is also known as the father of genetics. In simple words, genetics is the branch of biology that deals with the study of genes, heredity, and variation.

We bring you a collection of genetics books pdf that are going to help you get more in-depth knowledge about what genetics is and how all these things works.

The genes are the basic unit of heredity, they are made up of DNA which carries the genetic code. Everyone has a unique set of genes which is known as the genotype. The DNA is packed with chromosomes, which have a single long strand of DNA.

Each person has a set of 23 pairs of chromosomes. It comes from the biological mother and their father. The 23rd pair is the sex chromosome. Females have XX chromosome, and make have XY chromosome.

Genes give instructions to make proteins which is very important for living things. There are various types of proteins in our body, some are the form of the body and some help in controlling the functions of the body.

There are four genetic inheritance patterns in genetic disorders, which are Mendelian disorders, complex disorders, mitochondrial disorders, and chromosomal disorders.

Several factors indicate the possibility of a genetic disease in a differential diagnosis. One major factor is the occurrence of a condition among family members that is disclosed when the family history is obtained.

The occurrence of the same condition such as multiple miscarriages, stillbirths, or childhood deaths in more than one family member (particularly first-degree relatives) is suggestive of a genetic disease.

Additionally, a family history of common adult conditions (e.g., heart disease, cancer, and dementia) that occur in two or more family members at relatively young ages may also suggest a genetic predisposition.

Other clinical symptoms suggestive of a genetic disease include developmental delay, mental retardation, and congenital abnormalities.

Dysmorphologies (unusual physical features), as well as growth problems, can be suggestive of a genetic disorder. Although these clinical features may be caused by a number of factors, genetic conditions should be considered as part of the differential diagnosis, particularly if the patient expresses several clinical features together that might be indicative of a syndrome.

Our provided list of genetics books pdf can be a valuable piece of material for all the users that comes from a medical background like: Science students, biologists, or anyone who wanted to know more about genes. You can download or read these books from any of your electronic devices ALL FOR FREE!

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PDF List



Mendelian Genetics

Total Pages : 41 Page(s)
PDF Size : 3.3 MB
Language : English
Source : NFSCD
PDF Link : Available


Mendelian Genetics

Total Pages : 34 Page(s)
PDF Size : 501 KB
Language : English
Source : CSU
PDF Link : Available



Principles of Genetics

Total Pages : 27 Page(s)
PDF Size : 436 KB
Language : English
Source : NIOS
PDF Link : Available


Medical genetics and genomics 2016

Total Pages : 306 Page(s)
PDF Size : 3.5 MB
Language : English
Source : ResearchGate
PDF Link : Available



Basic Concepts in Medical Genetics

Total Pages : 31 Page(s)
PDF Size : 2.1 MB
Language : English
Source : UN
PDF Link : Available


Medical Genetic Services in Developing Countries

Total Pages : 124 Page(s)
PDF Size : 745 KB
Language : English
Source : WHO
PDF Link : Available



The Human Genome: Structure and Function of Genes and Chromosomes

Total Pages : 16 Page(s)
PDF Size : 856 KB
Language : English
Source : MU
PDF Link : Available


The Human Genome And What We Do With It

Total Pages : 41 Page(s)
PDF Size : 3.3 MB
Language : English
Source : UB
PDF Link : Available



Human Genome Project

Total Pages : 30 Page(s)
PDF Size : 205 KB
Language : English
Source : WITP
PDF Link : Available


Genetics Books PDF of Human Genetics Lecture

Total Pages : 30 Page(s)
PDF Size : 205 KB
Language : English
Source : WUSL
PDF Link : Available



Understanding Genetics

Total Pages : 104 Page(s)
PDF Size : 15.1 MB
Language : English
Source : GA
PDF Link : Available


Genetics, DNA, and Heredity

Total Pages : 34 Page(s)
PDF Size : 878 KB
Language : English
Source : NHGRIH
PDF Link : Available



Basic Concepts of Human Genetics

Total Pages : 30 Page(s)
PDF Size : 279 KB
Language : English
Source : MTU
PDF Link : Available


Introduction to Basic Human Genetics

Total Pages : 39 Page(s)
PDF Size : 560 KB
Language : English
Source : GFMER
PDF Link : Available



The New Genetics

Total Pages : 98 Page(s)
PDF Size : 4.8 MB
Language : English
Source : NIGMS
PDF Link : Available


Module #3 Population Genetics

Total Pages : 33 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,094 KB
Language : English
Source : PBGworks
PDF Link : Available



Introduction to Population Genetics

Total Pages : 46 Page(s)
PDF Size : 5.9 MB
Language : English
Source : NHGRIH
PDF Link : Available


Basic Concepts of Population Genetics

Total Pages : 47 Page(s)
PDF Size : 603 KB
Language : English
Source : CGKB
PDF Link : Available



Molecular Biology and Applied Genetics for Medical Laboratory Technology Students

Total Pages : 529 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,346 KB
Language : English
Source : CC
PDF Link : Available


Primer on Molecular Genetics

Total Pages : 44 Page(s)
PDF Size : 279 KB
Language : English
Source : ORNL
PDF Link : Available



Introduction to Molecular Genetics and Genomics

Total Pages : 132 Page(s)
PDF Size : 2.6 MB
Language : English
Source : Bio-Nica
PDF Link : Available


Practical Challenges for Clinical Genetic Services

Total Pages : 32 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,815 KB
Language : English
Source : ESHG
PDF Link : Available



What Happens in a Genetics Laboratory?

Total Pages : 6 Page(s)
PDF Size : 841 KB
Language : English
Source : NHS
PDF Link : Available


The new genetics and clinical practice

Total Pages : 5 Page(s)
PDF Size : 241 KB
Language : English
Source : ResearchGate
PDF Link : Available



Plant Breeding and Genetics

Total Pages : 24 Page(s)
PDF Size : 637 KB
Language : English
Source : UCD
PDF Link : Available


Genetic Improvements in Agriculture

Total Pages : 98 Page(s)
PDF Size : 7.1 MB
Language : English
Source : OSU
PDF Link : Available



New Genetics, Food and Agriculture

Total Pages : 58 Page(s)
PDF Size : 500 KB
Language : English
Source : ISC
PDF Link : Available


Forensic Genetics in the Governance of Crime

Total Pages : 120 Page(s)
PDF Size : 897 KB
Language : English
Source : OLPP
PDF Link : Available



The Future of Forensic DNA Testing

Total Pages : 91 Page(s)
PDF Size : 419 KB
Language : English
Source : OJP
PDF Link : Available


Making sense of forensic genetics

Total Pages : 21 Page(s)
PDF Size : 9.3 MB
Language : English
Source : SAS
PDF Link : Available



Study on DNA Profiling Technology for its Implementation in the Central Schengen Information System

Total Pages : 71 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,523 KB
Language : English
Source : JRC
PDF Link : Available


Genetics of Dairy Production

Total Pages : 28 Page(s)
PDF Size : 1,069 KB
Language : English
Source : ESA
PDF Link : Available



Genetic Improvement in Cattle

Total Pages : 29 Page(s)
PDF Size : 2.0 MB
Language : English
Source : UNECE
PDF Link : Available


Genetic Epidemiology of Bovine Infectious Diseases

Total Pages : 151 Page(s)
PDF Size : 3.8 MB
Language : English
Source : JLUG
PDF Link : Available



Genetics and Welfare in Organic Poultry Production

Total Pages : 30 Page(s)
PDF Size : 471 KB
Language : English
Source : Organic Eprints
PDF Link : Available


International Registry of Poultry Genetic Stocks

Total Pages : 113 Page(s)
PDF Size : 5.5 MB
Language : English
Source : CORE
PDF Link : Available



Genetics Books of Chicken Genetics and Reproduction PDF

Total Pages : 34 Page(s)
PDF Size : 992 KB
Language : English
Source : USPEA
PDF Link : Available

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